Strides for Equality Equestrians Announces Kerrits Equestrian Apparel as Sponsor

Photo courtesy of Kerrits Equestrian Apparel.

Strides for Equality Equestrians (SEE) and Kerrits Equestrian Apparel are pleased to announce a sponsorship to support the Ever So Sweet Scholarship in 2023/2024. As a new supporter of Strides for Equality Equestrians’ mission, Kerrits will supply each incoming Ever So Sweet Scholarship recipient with riding apparel and gear from its extensive catalog of everyday and show ring-ready items. 

“We are so excited to welcome Kerrits as a sponsor of Strides for Equality Equestrians,” SEE spokesperson Sally Spickard said. “We wanted to give our scholarship recipients some support in the form of quality apparel, as we recognize that every aspect of participation in equestrian sports requires significant investment. Kerrits has championed multiple causes for access programs and riding schools, and we’re appreciative of their willingness to support our program as well.”

Kerrits Equestrian Apparel has dedicated its mission to helping people access horses in a more affordable way, launching the Kerrits Kares program to spearhead this support and partnership with organizations all over the country. 

“At Kerrits, we’re passionate about supporting the future of equestrian sports by ensuring that riders everywhere have access to the joy and benefits of equine connections. Something as simple as a new riding outfit can inspire confidence and enhance performance, so we’re happy to make that a reality for the deserving recipients of the Ever So Sweet scholarship,” Sara Florin, Vice President of Kerrits Marketing, said. 

Applications will open in Q1 of 2024 for the Summer Ever So Sweet Scholarship. Interested applicants can visit for information. 

Strides for Equality Equestrians is always open to additional opportunities for equitable inclusion within all equestrian sports. If you’d like to be involved, get in touch with SEE by emailing




Winter 2023 / 2024 Ever So Sweet Scholarship Awarded to Toria Walker